LivingRite’s Disordered Eating Treatment and Recovery Team provides individuals with the opportunity to obtain specialized individualized treatment in the areas of disordered eating. Our evidence-based practice utilizes the study of psychology, behavior, family studies, body image, and nutrition to address our client’s needs in the areas of eating disorders and obesity. The specialty areas of treatment and recovery include:
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders
- Orthorexia
- Anorexia Athletica
- Emotional Overeating
- Chronic Dieting
- Screening and Assessment of Eating Disorders
Our Team Specialists (please see our Specialists bios below) have extensive training, supervision, certification, licensure, and experience in providing evidence based interventions to address your specific needs. Services are delivered in a private office setting on an outpatient basis. Therapy groups may also be available. We provide evidence-based treatments including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Family Systems Therapy. Interested in setting up an appointment with one of our specialists?
Click here to set up an appointment or call 779-777-7335
Treatment Options
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative patterns of thoughts and behaviors in order to bring about positive changes in mood. The CBT therapies we offer are considered evidence-based practice and effectively support people in recovering from eating disorders. Therapists provide the skills necessary to allow people to identify problematic beliefs and healthy ways to cope with emotions and make changes focused on an individual’s goals.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Training: connects cognitive behavioral methods as an approach to coping with painful emotions. The focus of this therapy is usually on individuals who react to emotional circumstances with extreme behaviors. Components of DBT include the practice of mindfulness as well as emotion regulation. DBT techniques can be beneficial for eating disorder treatment in that they allow individuals to better deal with conflict and stress while gaining increased control over negative thoughts and emotions.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): is used to help people concentrate on ways to become aware of and accept their emotions and experiences. This treatment method suggests that psychological problems result from ineffective avoidance/control of unpleasant internal events. Avoidance often creates suffering out of normal human pain. The focus of this therapy is to help individuals develop a healthier relationship with their emotions. ACT can also help people with eating disorders to recognize thoughts and urges that are tied to the illness by assisting them with understanding these impulses.
Family Systems Therapy (FST): views parents as a resource in the treatment of adolescent patients with eating disorders. The focus of this therapy allows family members methods through which to understand the complexity of the disease and recovery processes, a forum to communicate their own concerns and needs to the patient and with each other, and the opportunity to learn how best to support the child and the recovery process. This enables parents to become their child’s and the treatment teams’ greatest advocates. By providing education and guidance about limit-setting and problem solving, FST restores parents self-confidence and grounding, allowing them to fulfill their loving obligation to become “parental” once again.
Why Seek Treatment?
According to the National Eating Disorder Association, eating disorders are serious health conditions that can be both physically and emotionally destructive. People with eating disorders should seek professional help. Early diagnosis and intervention may enhance recovery. Eating disorders can become chronic, debilitating, and even life-threatening conditions. Therefore, when you begin to notice that your eating habits are affecting your life, your happiness, and/or your ability to function in daily life, it is important that you talk to a specialist about recovery. An effective treatment program for eating disorders should address more than just symptoms and destructive eating habits. It should also address the root causes of the problem: the emotional triggers that lead to disordered eating and difficulty coping with stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, and other uncomfortable emotions.
In order to progress in recovery, clients should be medically stable, not require daily medical monitoring, and able to function in normal social, educationally, and vocational situations.
Services Provided
Outpatient Individual of Family Therapy: You will meet with a therapist for regular therapy sessions.
What Can I Expect?
Treatment begins with an assessment of your symptoms to gain a better understanding of how disordered eating impacts your life. You and your therapist will then develop a treatment plan to fit your needs and discuss how treatment can be helpful in reducing your symptoms over the long run. Your therapist will then provide educational information in order to help you better understand eating disorders.
Our treatment team utilizes modern technology by incorporating “RecoveryRecord” into our treatment. RecoveryRecord takes industry best practice for eating disorder treatment and delivers it in an engaging way on mobile devices. By replacing pen-and-paper therapy homework with a rewarding mobile application, RecoveryRecord can be used to empower client’s and equip treatment teams with the complete clinical picture.
Helpline: 630-577-1330
Helpline: 1-800-931-2237
Our Specialists